Charlton Hill Surgery | 01264 337979 |
The White House Surgery | 01264 365123 |
Out of Hours/ NHS 111 | 111 |
District Nurses | 01264 339636 |
Health Visitors | 01962 763993 |
Useful Contacts
Andover Hospital | 01264 358811 |
Birth Centre | 01264 352517 |
GU Medicine | 01264 369962 |
Incontinence Service | 01264 339636 |
Basingstoke Hospital | 01256 473202 |
Salisbury District Hospital | 01722 336262 |
Southampton General Hospital | 02380 777222 |
Winchester Hospital | 01962 863535 |
NHS Quit Smoking | 0800 169 0169 |
Dental Helpline | 111 |
CRUSE Bereavement Support | 01264 336006 |
National Childbirth Trust | 01264 350359 |
Relate | 01962 861336 |
Age Concern, Andover | 01264 354425 |
Dementia Advisor Service | 01264 353363 |
Alzheimer’s Society | 01962 865585 |
Princess Royal Trust for Carers Andover | 01264 835246 |
Social Services | 01264 387400 |